Monday 27 January 2014

The Mughal empire (1526-1857)

The history pf India stretches back thousands of years over the centuries many different people invaded India such as the Greeks and the Mongols. They were attracted by fertile land opportunities for trade and for its resources such as spices, silk and precious stones. The result of this was a rich mix of people.
Government and society
In 1526 the Mughal leader Babur invaded India. The Mughals were a Muslim dynasty who originally came from Persia. They conquered the local sultan and established their capital in Delhi. They remained dependent on the support of local rulers who were mostly Hindu. The local rulers were allowed to remain in power as long as they paid their taxed to the Mughal leader. As a result many landowners and merchants kept their power and wealth.

Women in Mughal India.
In India society men controlled political and economic power and women would subordinate the Mughal empire wives and mistresses of nobility were kept out of public sight in separate areas of the the mogul court women were educated and influence poorer women works in the farms under weir under control from their husbands.

Travel and trade
Under the Mughals trade increased and important communities grew which had contacts with china and south east the 16TH century ships from Europe started to visit India. Indian mechanist gained new trade 1600 English merchants set up the English east India Company (EIC) to trade in India. The bought cotton goods, silks, peppers and return for gold copper and zinc.

The decline of the Mughal Empire

At its height the Mughal Empire controlled nearly the whole of modern the second half of the 17TH century it began to decline. Rulers broke up in revolt and Mughal was wreaked by invasions from Persia and Afghanistan. As there power wreaked the EIC became to setup forts and were defended by garrisons. People surrounding the asked for protection and them EIC began to gain authority. Eventually the EIC became to setup it authority through the 19TH century the EIC with its army and administrators extended its power through India. The became the dominant power in India. They introduced new landowners and taxes. They were uprising but London sent troops to crush them. The births government abolished the EIC and Indian became a colony of Births Empire.

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